Man let me apologize first of all for how long it took us to bless yall with a new post. We been slacking on here, niggaz reached the 'We Don Dey Squeeze' breast level and got complacent. 11k page views in 2 weeks will do that to a nigga. We went Hollywood on yall and we apologize, we gone try and keep the posts coming consistently.
Ladies and Gentlemen.
I feel it is high time I draw your attention to this epidemic consuming man and woman alike all across the world. This epidemic, this plague, this disease is called 'New Nigga' Syndrome. It's like a new crop of human beings who just exhibit traits of 'newness' bruh. These the kind of niggaz that made Jesus decide that he need to come back a second time b. These are niggaz who were prolly the offspring of Pre-Cum. New Nigga Syndrome is not gender specific, it can be exhibited by both male or female species.
Some have asked, how does one spot a new nigga? How does one know when they are exhibiting new nigga traits? Well I am here to answer your questions.
First of all, what is a new nigga? A new nigga is an individual who when growing up never had no positive role models in their life. These the kind of nigga that never had no mentor or older person available to teach them the ropes of life. These the kind of niggaz that walk around the world oblivious to shit. These the kind of niggaz that when the white man came for slaves were playing Ludo while others were running to hide. This shit is like the show the walking dead, there's more new niggaz coming out the closet everyday. Studies show that by 2020, 3 out of 4 people will be suffering from new nigga syndrome or showing symptoms.
It's easy to know when you have just spotted a new nigga. There's only certain type of facial expressions that determine when a person has witnessed some new nigga shit. Pick your facial expression from the following pictures below.
Examples of new nigga syndrome in a Guy - This the type of guy who never had no positive male role models in his life. The type of guy who prolly lost his virgnity between the ages of 20 & 21 so never had the opportunity to get mentored sexually by an older women when he was in his teens. This the type of guy who prolly logged unto a porn site when he was 17 and after seeing 'Must be 18 to Enter' clicked exit and closed the site. This the type of guy that's likely to not go to an event because the guy his girl used to mess with in the past might be there. This the type of guy to throw a friend under the bus to get some pussy. This the type of nigga to delete his twitter just cause his girl said he should. This the type of nigga to have a joint instagram account with his girl detailing their relationship. This the type of nigga that likely to take a woman at her word when say 'I don't usually do this'. This the type of nigga that would hit up a chick he smashing and ask her 'Where do u see us going'. This the type of nigga most likely to keep texting a chick after she say 'she don't suck dick'. This the type of nigga to see a sidechick out in public with another dude and lose his fucking mind and swear he have feelings. This the type of nigga who fall for a chick instagram pictures and then catch a stroke when she don't look the same in real life. This the type of nigga to get mad when his side chick decide she deserve better outta life. This the type of nigga who might listen to some drake after getting shut down in the Dms. This the type of nigga most likely to say shit like 'I don't eat pussy'. This the type of nigga to give his girl his Facebook and twitter password. This is usually the type of nigga to go through a chick phone while she in the shower. This usually the type of guy who believe his girl when she say 'my battery died' when she at the club with her girlfriends. This usually the type of guy to keep on texting a chick after she done ignored his previous 10 texts. This the type of niggas who have no concept of honor and dignity and who probably celebrated when Spartacus died b. This the type of nigga likely to ask a chick for nudes and when she say 'You first' actually go ahead and sends her dick pics. This the type of nigga not used to love and attention that when he finally get it, he usually the dude in the circle showing the first nudes he ever got to fellow niggaz looking all accomplished and shit. This the type of nigga to tell a chick 'Just let me put the tip in' and actually proceed to only put the tip in b.

Examples of New Nigga Syndrome in a Chick - This the type of chick who never had no older gentleman mentor her in the ways of life while she was between the ages of 17 & 18. This the type of chick to write an essay worth of texts to a guy at 2am proclaiming feelings for him when they aren't even 'talking'. Type of chick who have a boyfriend but the boyfriend don't know he's her boyfriend. She in a relationship by herself SHEONO. The type of chick to ask for a nigga body count right after having sex with him. This the type of chick to retweet women empowerment tweets all day but still be the side chick of a nigga and don't see nothing wrong with that. This the type of chick who don't give head but is happy to receive. This the type of chick to ask a dude back for the gifts she bought him during a fight. This the type of chick who can't cook but swear her pussy gone keep a man. This the type of chick to ask a dude "what are we' even though she has a boyfriend. This the type of chick who never had her pussy ate from the back so don't know what it means to have a man's back. This the type of chick who believe her dude when he blame his best friend as the reason why there only 3 condoms left in a box of condoms she bought him 2 weeks ago. This is usually the type of chick to screen shot a nigga dming her on twitter and proclaim it as thirst. This the type of chick to get 6 consecutive likes on Instagram from one person and give them a Shoutout. This the type of chick who believe a nigga when he says 'Just the Tip' and be surprised as fuck when all 6 inches is inside her and shit. This the type of chick to hit a nigga up and ask 'Did u cum inside of me even a little bit'.
In conclusion, when you see a new nigga you gotta flee from him or her like the Israelites fled Egypt. This shit is so contagious you might be hanging around a new nigga and see yourself displaying new nigga traits. Some of y'all reading this and trying to see whether you showing symptoms of new nigganess. If one example on here applies to you, that mean you at the beginning stages of new nigganess. If more than 3 examples apply to you, you really a lost cause.
Before I leave let me drop what my nigga Fido had to say about New Niggaz.
New niggas - a new nigga is basically any nigga, who was never there before but somehow manages to hang around real niggas, he/she gets excited at the littlest of things because it is all new.
It's easy to spot a new nigga, he probably one who just got his first iphone and always complaining about battery life
He is one who tweets like he about that life, but still gets excited over likes on IG and RTs on twitter.He the one who gonna tell your girl you messing around just cause he likes her too. But like new money a new nigga never lasts because they only "hot" while they are new with no foundation.
Before I leave let me drop what my nigga Fido had to say about New Niggaz.
New niggas - a new nigga is basically any nigga, who was never there before but somehow manages to hang around real niggas, he/she gets excited at the littlest of things because it is all new.
It's easy to spot a new nigga, he probably one who just got his first iphone and always complaining about battery life
He is one who tweets like he about that life, but still gets excited over likes on IG and RTs on twitter.He the one who gonna tell your girl you messing around just cause he likes her too. But like new money a new nigga never lasts because they only "hot" while they are new with no foundation.
My nigga Onyi had this to say about new niggaz.
A new nigga is a nigga that hasn't studied nor experienced the game. For this fact, new niggas constantly fail when attempting to spit what they believe is game. New niggas think eating pussy is an option and not a matter of fact.
New Nigga Syndrome- (Chic)- Any Chic Who Uses the Phrase ----> Did You Cum Inside Of Me?
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ReplyDeleteGood job. These things need to be pointed out. New Nigga Syndrome be spreading like that WWZ. If you spot a new nigga around and no one be making the type of faces in those pictures, flee from that area. It is contaminated. - Tzar
ReplyDeletemy first time on ur blog man. you is crazy