But back to my nigga Jon Snow. We all know he saw the bigger picture and tried to lead the men of the Knights watch to that "promised land" but alas. I guess that is the curse you pay for being a leader. You see the bigger picture but you are surrounded by idiots for followers. Jon Snow had allies but maybe he spread himself to thin. Maybe he shouldn't have let Sam go, he was isolated. Watching Jon snow get stabbed reminded me of the killing of the civil rights leader Malcolm X by members of the Nation of Islam group which he was formerly a minister of. Malcolm had a particular world view that was significantly changed after his visit to the Hajj.
On his return, he had refined his beliefs but the very same followers he had persuaded to follow his old teachings weren't ready to hear this new version of his "truth”. Malcolm ended up getting assassinated by members of the Nation of Islam. Sometimes, the same intensity you use in converting new followers to your doctrine, is the same intensity they’ll use to crucify you when you violate your own doctrine.
There’s something to be said about having a vision for your people but struggling to sell that vision to the masses. Sometimes, followers have to trust in their leaders judgement and not seek to second guess their decisions and maybe that was what was required from the followers of Jon Snow.
Furthermore, sometimes leaders need to work on articulating and carefully explaining their visions to the people so that they don’t feel like they are being bamboozled. When Obama tried pushing his Healthcare policy to the people, it was met by resistance by opponents because he had lost control of the narrative. He hadn’t taken the time to carefully sell the plan to the nation, hence he was met by strong opposition by a whole host of people who were opposed to the Affordable healthcare act. Today, a vast number of people have signed up for Obamacare and states that were formerly opposed to the act have warmed to the policy.
There are similarities between Jon Snow, Malcolm X & Jesus. All 3 men represented new ideas after being solid representatives of the old system.
Jon Snow - swore an oath to defend the wall from the wildlings until present circumstances dictated that they become allies. He was subsequently betrayed by his followers and killed.
Malcolm X: swore by all the teachings of the Nation of Islam and Elijah Mohammed until he was betrayed by Elijah Mohammed. He was subsequently betrayed by his followers and assassinated.
Jesus: If we are to believe he was a God, he technically represented the old order of the tabernacle with the 10 commandments. But his emergence led to a new belief system which encompassed loving your neighbor as yourself and welcoming in the Gentiles who were formerly forbidden. For his troubles, he was crucified by the same people he came to save.
What lessons can we learn from all 3 leaders?
1. A great leader does indeed take people where they don't want to go but ought to be. But maybe before he does that, he should kill off the ones who disagree with him. Something Jon Snow should have done but instead he appointed the former lord commander as first watch.
2. Be careful not to find yourself isolated from your followers. Malcolm X got screwed because he let another leader he respected control the narrative and as a result, Elijah Mohammed isolated him from the Nation of Islam. Jon Snow on the other hand, got isolated from his own followers and his main allies like Sam and co weren't around to have his back. In the case of Jesus, well we know Judas betrayed that nigga ass for 30 pieces of silver so the lesson there is to pay your fucking followers a good salary. Lmao
3. When Jon Snow made the former first commander knight of the first watch it seemed like a genius move because he seemed to be making an enemy into an ally. He undid all that good work when he proceeded to kill the friend of the ex commander by beheading him. They say keep your friends close and your enemies closer but as Stannis Barothean pointed out, who ever came up with that quote never had a lot of enemies. Sometimes you really have to crush your enemies totally and with no mercy. Jon Snow should not have put the former lord commander in a position of power rather he should have appointed his own ally to the position of knight of the first watch. I guess we can finally agree that the wildling woman was right when she said "You know nothing Jon Snow".
In conclusion, you try to take people to the promised land. You risk getting killed by white walkers. You do all that and what do you get as a fucking thank you? 4 knife stabs "for the watch". This life is truly a pot of beans.
A sticky pot of beans oh
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